About me
I am Emiliano Ciavatta, I am 24 years old and I am a student of Engineering and Computer Science at the Alma Mater University of Bologna. I was born in Cesena and I live in Rimini (Italy). I have been passionate about computer science since I was a boy, although as a high school I made a Technical Institute for Surveyors. At the moment I am attending the master’s degree course, which is based in Cesena. I graduated in 2018 from the three-year degree course in Engineering and Computer Science, also in Cesena, with highest grades.
I love programming languages, I always like to learn new ones and discover their most advanced features. I am a code perfectionist, as well as writing efficient code I tend to give a lot of weight to style, to the fact that a source of being simple, clear and clean. I mainly use Linux operating systems with which I have a lot of experience. I like to design the software and go through all the steps until release. I particularly like the automated testing and continuous integration/continuous delivery phase. Although I am able to create graphical interfaces, I am not interested in this area, as well as for machine learning.
I am passionate about IT security and I am part of the security research teams Ulisse and CeSeNA. I regularly participate in CTF, international level competitions whose aim is to discover (and sometimes fix) vulnerabilities in computer systems. In 2019 I participated in the Cyberchallenge, a cybersecurity training program organized by the CINI National Cybersecurity Laboratory with the support of the Ministry of Defense. With the Unibo team, made up of four people, I participated in the national final, a competition in which 18 Italian universities took part, and with my team we classified second.
I have always fight for civil rights, and I am an activist for the LGBTI+ community. Right now I am the coordinator of youth of Arcigay Alan Turing of Rimini, a social promotion association that aims to protect LGBTI+ rights in Italy.